On-top Todo – Task Management App

To Do is a task management app to help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day task.

Android Flutter iOS UI Design
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To Do is a task management app to help you stay organized and manage your day-to-day task.

– Simply To-Do list with priority functionality
– Ability to type new to-do items in quickly and easily
– Set repeated task for daily,weekly,2 weeks, monthly and yearly
– Set Task priority to top on left to right swipe a task and change the color of the task
– Set Task priority to bottom on right to left swipe a task
– Mark as completed with music sound functionality
– Ability to see “completed” TO-Do list in below of TO-DO list
– Change the swiping color and app theme color from setting

All Features

To-Do list with priority task

Simply To-Do list with priority functionality

New to-do items in quickly and easily

Ability to type new to-do items in quickly and easily

Repeated task for daily, weekly, 2 weeks, monthly and yearly

Set repeated task for daily,weekly,2 weeks, monthly and yearly

Swipe a task to set priority

Set Task priority to top on left to right swipe a task and change the color of the task

App theme

Change the swiping color and app theme color from setting

Show all completed task

Ability to see "completed" TO-Do list in below of TO-DO list